Rinku Singh hit five sixes off the final five balls to help the Kolkata Knight Riders beat the Gujarat Titans in an IPL thriller on Sunday. After Kolkata slipped to 155-7 after Rashid Khan’s hat-trick, the Indian left-hander turned the chase on its head with an unbeaten 21-ball 48 at the world’s largest cricket stadium in Ahmedabad. Kolkata needed 29 from Yash Dayal’s final over. After Umesh Yadav’s single, Rinku struck out on the first pitch, sending five balls over the fence and quieting the home crowd.
The chase was set up by Venkatesh Iyer’s 40-ball 83, which led to a 100-run third-wicket stand with captain Nitish Rana, reports Live Cricket Score.
“Tonight was another example that we will never give up as a team,” Iyer said after the three-wicket win. “I was just trying to carry out my strategy on a good batting wicket.” Alzarri Joseph dismissed Iyer after being brought on in place of Suyash Sharma under the new impact player rule, and Rashid quickly took over to claim his first IPL hat-trick.
Rashid, a champion leg-spinner with four T20I hat-tricks, went for a celebratory sprint after dismissing Andre Russell, Sunil Narine, and Shardul Thakur. Rashid had no idea Rinku and Kolkata would have the last laugh.