The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has set a combined base price of Rs 33,000 crore (Rs 32,890 crore to be precise) – USD 4.35 Billion (approx.) for the media rights of the Indian Premier League (IPL). The BCCI is rolling out four bundles, including a non-exclusive cluster. Cricbuzz first reported about it on February 28.
The Board has kept the option of increasing the number of games going forward, but the Invitation To Tender (ITT) document which the BCCI started selling from Wednesday (March 30), reserves the price of different bundles basing on the current format of 10 teams and 74 games. As reported, this time around there is no option of a composite bid through which Star Sports, incidentally, had bagged the rights of the current 2018-22 cycle.
According to information from the ITT, Bundle A is for the India sub-continent television rights and the base price in this category is Rs 49 crore per game. Cumulatively, it would add up to Rs 18,130 crore for five years and that will be the starting point in the e-auction in this classification. Bundle B is for the digital rights and the base price here is Rs 33 crore per game. For five years, the calculation is Rs 12,210 crore and that will be the starting point in this set of rights at the auction.